Thursday, March 11, 2010

Need to get rid of the red dye in a pair of bed sheets/do not know what to use vinegar or salt???

Just recieved a pair of red bed sheets and when washed they turned the washer tank red not to mention the sink. The mattress pad also took on a hue of red from the sheets. Cannot remember the old country way to set the dye so it will not happen again when washed or used.Need to get rid of the red dye in a pair of bed sheets/do not know what to use vinegar or salt???
I just usually use salt to set the dye and wash in cold water. Then each time wash in cold water to keep them from bleeding.

You can do that for black jeans, too, but turn the jeans wrong side out first.Need to get rid of the red dye in a pair of bed sheets/do not know what to use vinegar or salt???
Well certainly NOT salt - this is used to FIX dyes in some case - or is that what you are actually WANTING to do - to stop them leaching any more dye out.

either way, I suggest washing the deep-dyed material again - on the basis that if the washer/sink is alreaxdy stained, you might as well get a bit more dye out now before cleaning up

Often deep-dyed materials will leak colour the first few times - black jeans especially!

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